Sun, 29-Oct-2023 -Tue, 31-Oct-2023
Within the framework of the Ministry of Petroleum's strategy and Implementing of the initiative launched by the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Eng. Tarek El Molla, to raise awareness of the safety culture for a safe and sustainable work environment, and in conjunction with the 2023 Safety Day, the Egyptian Ethylene and Derivatives Company (ETHYDCO) organized, from October 29 to 31, many events and activities that embody the company's interest in this important issue.
The first day’s activities included field inspection tours of the production plants and various company sites, in which the company’s chairman and Top management leaders participated. They toured the ethylene and utilities Plants, the polyethylene plant, and the power station.
The first day's tours also included the contractors' gathering places, as they are an important element. During the tours, safety procedures and the extent of commitment to them were inspected, and all controls and procedures were followed, which include implementing all work with the highest levels of occupational health and safety.
A lecture was given that addressed the campaign's slogan for this week, which is control Of work and near miss Reporting program , during which an open discussion took place.
On the second day, at the company’s auditorium , a video was shown of the speech of the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, which he addressed to the sons of the petroleum sector on the occasion of this Safety Day, in which he stressed that safety is not only the responsibility of those in charge of it, but the responsibility of every individual in the sector, and that caring for occupational health and safety is not just a moral duty towards workers and society, but is also a decisive factor affecting the sustainability and prosperity of the industry, and that the petroleum sector has achieved many accomplishments and numerous initiatives to develop safety matters and issues.
Chemist Hesham Riad, Chairman and Managing Director of Ethydco, delivered a speech in which he stressed that the safety of Ethydco’s employees always remains a top priority and that Ethydco pays great attention to enhancing its efforts in the field of safety and is keen to ensure that the production process takes place within the framework of a safe production system.
Riyad stressed what the Minister of Petroleum had stated in his speech, that safety is the responsibility of all of us, and that our main goal for Safety Day is for safety standards to become a way of life, not only in the workplace, but also in our public life.
Chemist Hany Tawfik, General Manager of the Safety Department, also delivered a speech in which he expressed his thanks and gratitude for the attention given by Chemist Hesham Riad, Chairman and Managing Director of Ethydco, to all safety issues and his keenness to support any effort that serves safety immediately.
Several videos were also shown that addressed the Life saving rules and process Safety Fundamentals.
At the conclusion of the second day's activities, the best near miss reporters for the year 2023 were honored.
On the third day, a number of introductory lectures were organized and delivered in a number of workplaces (control rooms, warehouses, production units, laboratories, power stations, workshops), covering safety topics and their inherent risks, programs for reporting near miss associated with these activities, and methods of prevention, safe containment, and complete control over them.