Pharos University in Alexandria

12 specialized and accredited Faculties

The first Egyptian private university in Alexandria, established by Republican Decrees Nos. 252 of 2006, 302 of 2009, and 659 of 2020. Further, it is an accredited university, whose degrees are equivalent from the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities and the Ministry of Higher Education.

As internationalization is one of PUA’s key strategic goals, PUA has built numerous collaborative links with European, American, and Asian universities with which it works closely to ensure its students receive a global standard of education. Collaborations include various activities such as staff and student exchange, program development, joint research, and Erasmus+ programs. Moreover, PUA currently offers two international degree programs with its international partners, the first is a BSc in six Engineering disciplines in partnership with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH), Sweden, and the second degree is in Business & Management validated by Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Ireland. For more information about PUA international partners, please visit our website at International Partners